- Creating an integrated Christian Youth Ministry in URCSA Cape, with the goal of equipping, developing and mentoring the children and youth of URCSA Cape (ages 5 to 35 years) in a holistic way – spiritually, socially and personally.
- Inspiring our children and Youth to be true followers of Jesus Christ
- Creating a culture of unconditional love and acceptance, nurturing an environment where more involvement is encouraged
- Creating a Youth Ministry where all its ministries are integrated
- Guiding the Youth of URCSA Cape to one common goal and mission
- Training and equipping members of Youth ministries in URCSA Cape to become vibrant leaders
- Enhancing intergenerational worship and communication
- Developing a Syllabus for Children and Youth Ministry in URCSA Cape, in collaboration with the Faculty of Theology (Stellenbosch University)
- Addressing relevant, topical issues in society and church – sexuality, violence against the vulnerable, internal unity, etc.
Focus Areas
- Sunday schools and Kinderbond
- Catechism processes
- Christian Youth Ministry (CYM)
- Brigade
- URCSA Student Society (URCSASSOC) – welcoming all tertiary student in URCSA Cape
- Lack of an Integrated Youth Ministry
- Lack of a Full time Youth Minister in Synodical Service
- Financial constraints and challenges in URCSA Cape Youth Ministries
- Fatherless families and absent parents
- Lack of intentional intergenerational worship
Sr L Roelfse
+27 82 080 7803
[email protected]