Kevin John Alberts (52) is a born and bred Bolander from Worcester. As a young child he started his school education at the Victoria Park Primary School and completed his secondary school education at the Esselenpark Senior Secondary School.
After school he worked as a spiritual and moral coordinator at Correctional Services and currently he is a community development practitioner at FAMSA. As final year theology student at the Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, he did his thesis about The Stigma and discrimination experiences of members living with HIV/AIDS within the church: A pastoral approach.
The people who influenced his personal and spiritual development as a child were his parents and grandparents. His grandfather’s way of life made a remarkable impact on his life, teaching Kevin to be humble and respectful and above all, to lead by example. He also made sure that Kevin attended the Kinderbond, the CYM (Christian Youth Ministry), the Youth Brigade, family devotions, Sunday school and prayer meetings. As an adult his spiritual home was URCSA Worcester-South Congregation and also his lovely wife, Mac.
According to Kevin, one of the most important priorities of a living church is that it should embody unity. He explains, “Using whatever God has given us to serve the body of Christ (the church) and the needs of others. Each of us has God-given gifts and talents. By ourselves we can only do so much. When we work together, great things can be accomplished! Being a member of the Body of Christ means putting words into action. A congregation that participates in the movement of God’s love toward people, since God is a fountain of sending love. God’s mission is calling and sending us, the church of Jesus Christ, to be a missional church in our own societies, in the cultures in which we find ourselves.”
This enthusiastic proponent sees the absence of fathers and the impact it has on the church and community as one of the most severe challenges in our communities that has to be addressed by the church.
Kevin likes sport, gholf, rugby and endurance walk. He is married to Mac and has two daughters, Chanėl and Ėman.
Contact Kevin at [email protected] or 083 286 5434 for more information.