The Curatorium of URCSA at the Faculty of Theology, Stellenbosch University, examines again, at the end of this year, a few final-year students to be legitimized in order to be called as ministers by congregations. We would like to introduce them to you in the next few weeks. Last week it was Farren Watt’s turn; this week we introduce to you Thanduxolo Mountain:
Thanduxolo was born and bred in Alexandria, Eastern Cape. He completed his secondary school education there and was also a good rugby player and singer at that time. He is still very interested in music. It was here at Alexandria that he became a member of URCSA.
One of the people who had a huge impact on his life was their blind neighbour, Mr Mtsatse. He often asked Thanduxolo to read to him from the Bible and as time went by Mr Mtsatse’s spirituality inspired the young Thanduxolo whose family was not so strong in faith. It was these precious moments with this wonderful person that influenced Thanduxolo the most to study theology.
Thanduxolo’s dreams for his future congregation is to journey with and care more for the marginalized and disadvantaged. He would like to focus on equality in terms of the recognition of their faith in an African context and to enhance the spiritual levels of the congregation at large. “I like to preach and to do house visits; this is how I will get to know the people and know what their needs are,” says Thanduxolo. “Transformation is needed in the church and therefore I have to move outwards to the people who are struggling to receive the Word of God. To be more precise: I mean to be inclusive in stead of just going with the flow.”
It is also important for him to learn from his congregation: “I wish to learn more about their contextual situation and beliefs, so that theology can be conveyed to them in a language and traditional ways they will understand. It should have a significant meaning in their lives.”
Thanduxolo’s thesis is about human dignity and focuses on the relationship between the Church and the state; his supervisor is Prof. Deon Forster.
His trail sermon was on 12 August in Alexandria. May God bless your ministry, Thanduxolo and may you live the meaning of your name: Love and Peace.
Contact Thanduxolo at [email protected] for more information.