Farren Watt

The Curatorium of URCSA at the Faculty of Theology, Stellenbosch University, examines again, at the end of this year, a few final-year students to be legitimized in order to be called as ministers by congregations. We would like to introduce them to you in the next few weeks. Last week it was Andrea Daniels’ turn; this week we introduce to you Farren Watt:

Farren is a born and bred Namaqualander. She was born in Springbok on 8 February 1995; the place where she also grew up and where her Christian foundation was formed. “My family and friends had the largest impact on my life,” she says.

URCSA played a vital role in her life and this is also where she was confirmed as a member of the church. After she matriculated at Namaqualand High School in Springbok she started her BDiv studies in 2014 at Stellenbosch University. “The support of my family during my past 5 years of study, and what they are still offering, brought me where I am today. My family is my biggest support system and I will be grateful to them for it forever,” she says. Her thesis topic is: “Reformed church law principles regarding baptism and the current law of URCSA regarding baptism. Prof MA MA Plaaitjies van Huffel  is her supervisor/promoter.

Farren’s dream of a congregation is that it shall be inclusive of heart. She dreams of a congregation that will take its members forward in understanding the ever changing world we live in and how to never stop listening to how Christ wants us to adapt to new challenges according to his will. She dreams of a congregation that not only preaches the Confession of Belhar but also will live according to it. She dreams of a congregation that can be a safe haven for those who are suppressed; a congregation that will be the embodiment of Jesus Christ here on earth.

This enthusiastic young woman is fond of people and has good interpersonal relationships and a deep love for the ministry.She understands the importance of innovation and renewal without neglecting  the importance of our Reformed tradition.

Farren is also a keen reader, likes to do adventurous hiking trails and is very interested in photography and loves to listen to good music.

Her trial sermon is on 23 September at URCSA Springbok.


Contact Farren at [email protected] for more information.