Prop. Averil Lewis-Richards was born and raised in the community of Steenberg a southern suburb in Cape Town. She is married to Victor Richards, manager at Lucky Star in St. Helena Bay, and they are the proud parents of two sons, Elijah (20), a second-year student in BSc at UWC, and Ezekiel (17), a grade […]
Prop. Kholosa Blessing Gxabe was born and raised in the picturesque coastal city of East London in the Eastern Cape. Tell us more about your birthplace and the key individuals who greatly influenced your formative years. “When thinking of the people who have influenced me in my life, the first thing that comes to mind […]
Prop. Sabrina September’s birthplace is a small town in the platteland, namely Saron near Porterville in the Swartland. Could you share details about your birthplace and the significant influencers in your life during your childhood? “During my childhood, there were a few people who had a significant influence on my life. “Firstly, my late grandmother, […]
Prop. Kyle Wanya Mendoor was born and raised in Moorreesburg, a beautiful town in the Swartland region of the Western Cape. Tell us more about your birthplace and the key individuals who greatly influenced your formative years. “I am the youngest child of my parents, Kowa and Johannes (deceased in 2022) Mendoor. I completed my […]
Proponent Xolisa Oyiya, is born and raised in Middleburg, Eastern Cape, specifically in the Karoo region, in a locality known as Kwanomzame. Tell us more about your birthplace and the key individuals who greatly influenced your formative years. “My upbringing is a testament to the influence of numerous individuals,” says Xolisa, “among whom one stands […]
Proponent Michael Richard Wildeman was born on the farm Misgund, a farm that you will find if you travel from Oudshoorn or George along the R62 in the Langkloof district. It is an area where you will find sweet, delicious apples, pears and oranges. Prop. Wildeman was born on 21 May 1970 as one of […]
Proponent Ashwin Thyssen is a Capetonian from Eerste River who was born in 1996. “In a sense, I’ve always been a city kid,” he says. But who is this interesting person who has such a keen interest in philosophy, politics, law, and ideas that shape the world in which we live, and who has a […]
Throughout the country, churches kick off their year with a Week of Prayer sermon series. This provides churches with the opportunity to pray for their communities, families, schools, social services, leaders, etc. It also serves the purpose of starting the year with the right mindset and focusing on what truly matters. As part of CLF’s […]
“It was a day of great joy and gratitude when Rev. Potwana has been inducted on 4 February at URCSA Decoligny,” says Rev. Willem Botes, who previously ministered there. “We are grateful that the congregation invited us to attend the confirmation.” The congregation was vacant since Rev. Botes retired in March 2015. The church council […]
“Dit was ‘n eer en voorreg om die sessie te kon bywoon. Dit was ‘n geleentheid om weer te kon gaan kyk of ons op die regte pad is – ‘n eye opener.” So getuig broer Jan de Wee, die leier-ouderling van die VGK Sutherland-kerkraad met wie ds Stephen Pedro, PSD van Gemeentegetuienis, op Dinsdagaand […]
Op 5 Februarie vanjaar was ds Pedro (voor links), PSD Gemeentegetuienis op besoek aan die VGK Robertson-Oos Gemeente. Hy vertel: “Ek het ‘n baie geseënde gesprek met die leraar en van die kerkraadslede gehad. “Hulle het met my gedeel waarmee hulle as gemeente besig is en veral met groot opwinding gepraat oor die beplande 1000 […]
Die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (VGK) Graaff-Reinet vier hierdie jaar hul 200 ste bestaansjaar met die tema “200 jaar van genade”. Die gemeente beplan heelwat geleenthede waarin hulle die 200 jaar vier. Lees meer van die gemeente se geskiedenis en feesprogram HIER Lees die uitnodiging na VGK Graaf-Reinet se Ringsgemeentes HIER
Die VGK George publiseer hiermee die advertensie vir ‘n VOLTYDSE LERAARSPOS. Lees meer: Leraarspos George
Ds Stephen Pedro, bestuurder van die Taakspan vir Gemeentegetuienis, het die afgelope naweek, op uitnodiging van die VGK George-kerkraad, ‘n werkswinkel gefasiliteer. Die kerkraad se versoek was: “Kom help ons, as gemeente, om ons geestelik en andersins voor te brei vir die gewigtige taak wat vir ons voorlê, naamlik om ‘n leraar te beroep.” Op […]
URCSA Cape Regional Synod is concerned about the candidates for the ministry that have not yet been called to congregations. Therefore URCSA Cape’s three core ministries have been requested to discuss this issue and draw up a plan in order to support congregations and presbyteries to call these candidates. The plan has not yet come […]
The answer to this is: “Because otherwise, in 20 years, you will only find rhinos or butterflies in zoos and won’t be able to observe them in their natural habitat.” They are our heritage and of cardinal importance to our biodiversity. Biodiversity serves as a buffer against environmental change. The more species we remove from […]
Is COVID-19 a curse or a blessing? If one would have asked the Israelites during their experience at Rephidim (Exodus 17:1-7) whether the desert was a curse or a blessing, they most certainly would have said that it was a curse. They arrived there, with their children and livestock, a thirsty people; just to realise […]
Op 15 September word Internasionale Kusskoonmaakdag gevier. Wêreldwyd neem gemeenskappe aan skoonmaakaksies langs strande, riviere of plekke wat besoedel is deel. Vrywilligers in minstens 100 lande maak op daardie dag ’n verskil deur veral plastiek te verwyder. In ’n onlangse brief aan A Rocha ( sê ds. Nelis van Rensburg: Die verwoesting van ons oseane […]
Die skepping behoort op ons gebedslys te wees – ook in ons eredienste. Hier is ‘n gebed wat ons kan gebruik om mee dankie te sê. LIED OOR DIE HEERLIKHEID VAN DIE SKEPPING* Voorganger Vir grond en see en lug in die harmonie van kleure, Almal […]